School's out, the parties are over, and summer is finally truly here. It's a wonderful feeling to wake up in the morning and find that the usual list of "things I have to do today" (go to school, homework for math, paper for english, practice violin, project for history, fill out form for Guidance, read packet for science, study for french test...) consists of: "hmm. I think I want to take a bike ride today - it's sunny. And I should write the Thank You cards for all those wonderful gifts I got yesterday. Maybe I can bring my laptop outside and work on them there. Oooh, I want to read my book for at
least two hours..." It's so relaxing.
I had two fabulous parties this weekend: a birthday party on Saturday with twenty-odd teenagers smashing pinatas, fingerpainting, and discussing how to change the world; and a graduation garden party with thirty-odd adults (and me) in fancy dresses eating pastries and discussing my (very bright)future. Great fun.
My mother made me a crown of blue flowers and pearls and asked everyone in their invitation to write a message on a ribbon, which she attached to the crown and gave to me - an inspirational crown of flowers. It's gorgeous, and I'm so glad I'll be able to take it with me when I go.
Well, I should get back to writing the thank you notes...