On Monday in Assembly, Cosy (Swaziland) made an announcement that went, "I'll keep this short. I just wanted to say: NAAAA-siguetenya..." and burst into Circle of Life. We all got up from the sidelines and started singing backup(inganama-inganamababa) to a spectacular performance of African singing (Cosy and Ayanda, from South Africa). Wow, but those southern Africans can belt it out!
And that night some students got up on the table and sang/acted Summer Lovin' from Greece (unfortunately no pictures, it was awesome...) "tell me more, tell me more..."
Tuesday evening we got Jesus Christ Superstar performed for our dinner, and I did bring my camera that time.

And Thursday break was Terence and Ayanda doing the "Who's on First" skit, which was hilarious.
Wednesday and Thursday nights the Drama group performed Blood Wedding at a theater in Monfalcone (I helped with costumes). It was amazing. It was so powerful to watch them get so completely into their characters - before the last scene all the actors were literally crying backstage because of the events in the play. Wow.

And the grand finale was the Theater Week Show, which was great fun. Alvaro (Spain) and I sang Last Night of the World from Miss Saigon:

Eduardo's friends all laughed when Alvaro and I were performing ("you should have seen his face!" they said afterwards...) because (it being Theater Week and all) we acted and danced the whole song.
I was in Vanessa's national costume, which people said I looked good in (though it doesn't look like that in the picture, does it? sigh.) and it was Blue!! (yay).
Anyway, that was Theater Week, and it was loads of fun. I can't wait for next year.
And last night something amazing happened - it was raining/sunning all day, and in the evening we got some sort of triple rainbow - one that repeated twice and then another, fainter one above it. The first one was a complete half circle that ended right in Trieste. And if you looked past the castle there was a gorgeous sunset out over the Adriatic... sigh.

And so Eduardo and Marta and I ran down to the sea and took pictures...

yes, it's corny, but hey - he's Latino. ;)