Friday, October 28, 2005


We had a Halloween party last night. Such a small imitation of such a wonderful holiday...
Oh well, at least we had something. It was fun - we dressed up all day and then had a semi-party in the evening. I dressed up as a mermaid - wore my sparkly jeans and my blue scarf as a fakebra and had my hair long and wet. Then in the evening I became Little-Mermaid-as-Princess and went to the party, barefoot but not mute. We came late, Nevin and I, and didn't stay long, but long enough to get some cool pictures.

Michael went as the Hulk. He had a lot of fun flexing his muscles and making scary faces.

My roommates and I. Marta (in the middle) went as a mummy but had lost most of her toilet paper by the time I got there. Nevin didn't dress up because there's only so much you can do with limited supplies and religious restrictions.