Hamas won the Palestinian elections yesterday. I don't know if you guys heard or knew what it meant, but I do (having a Palestinian roommate and Israeli friend) and it's bad. At least from my point of view. Hamas is a group, classified as a "Terrorist organization" by US, mainly because they are the ones that organize pretty much all the bombings that happen in Israel. They have a huge amount of support from the Palestinians though, because not only do they kill the occupiers, but they have many service programs - schools, hospitals, charity, etc - so everyone thinks (and, I guess to their minds, rightly) that they're a wonderful, caring organization that is devoted to Palestine and its people. They've never entered into an election before, because they don't consider Israel a state and refuse to talk to them. They say Fatah (the other party) is corrupt (probably true) and also unpalestinian for dealing with the invaders.
Then this year they decided to enter - I don't know why - and boom! They now control almost all the Palestinian government. The old Prime Minister who had worked so hard for peace (and gotten criticized by the people for giving in too much) resigned and Hamas has everything. What's going to happen when there are two governments within the same country (and one "the size of my pinkie" as Michael put it) that refuse to acknowledge that the other one exists, let alone talk to them. Oh, and by the way, they're both actively and openly trying to kill eachother.
And all the Arabs here are so happy! At mensa this evening they started a cheer (along the lines of We Will Rock You, with table banging and all) "Hamas! Hamas! Hamas!" they're so excited, can't they see this will bring only destruction? There's no way that Hamas will get all the Israelis to leave, and that's what they're asking for, nothing less. And the peace talks were going so well, with the Army out of Gaza strip and all... Now the Israelis will probably occupy it again, which is not only bad for those people there - destroyed houses/people/lives - but a more personal connection is that if they re-occupy, my rooma won't be able to get back to UWC next year. And if this is one of the key conflicts between Middle East and West, what does it foresee for the rest of the conflict? How can these people cheer for something that will produce more war, more suffering (especially for them) and more mistrust? I find it so hard to believe in my optimistic "it'll all work out somehow, someday" view of things when I keep hearing news like this. How do I respect and try to in some way help people that act so stupid sometimes? (this all applies to US and our last election as well)
I can see where they're coming from, I really do understand their hatred and anger (I hear it enough from my rooma), but...
Sigh. I guess this is the cost I pay for getting too close to people from conflict areas.
Please Allah/God, these people obviously care about you (praying that much, they gotta;) ), please help them/us/everyone see reason.
Ah so the cruel world jumps out at us. Yet you sum it up so nicely. Hamas provides for the people. Fatah is corrupt. Hamas declares a position for people to get their grievances addressed. Fatah capitulates.
Maybe it is time for the zionists to bend, not the Palestinians. (Please note the word choice.)
(It is sad that today in the US Senate we are lacking people with the fire in their belly such as Hamas to fight for our Constitution.)
When I first arrived in the Middle East I had the opinion that the people of Jewish faith had some sort of claim to that little sliver of land. It is interesting the religions of the Book. First came Judaism. They had somewhere between ten and twelve (depends on who you ask) commandments one of which told them not to kill. No footnote - just do not kill. Then a Jewish carpenter came along with these ideas of love and peace. Many Jews became followers of this carpenter. Then out of Mecca, where there is a temple built by Abraham (a very old/ancient Jew), came a man with a message that gave rights to women, detailed a form of democracy and laid out a set of very forgiving laws (read the whole law, not just the first part). Many former Jews turned Christian and just plain Jews and some other religions started to follow this man from Mecca. A whole bunch of this religion shifting occurred in and around the city of Al-Quds. Ask your roommate where that is. So the Jews returning to Palestine in the century passed were demanding a "right of return" that they are now denying those who were there the whole f&$#ing time. I just hate hypocrisy!
Now Hamas has been taking care of the people. Who do you think they will vote for? Do a body count. The Zionists have killed many more of the indigenous population that the other way around.
Finally google king David hotel and USS Liberty, or UN resolutions involving that little sliver of land. The “terrorism” goes both ways.
George Washington was a terrorist to the British.
As you well know I am no advocate of violence. I do hope that Hamas will mellow with political power. But (one of those pesky buts!) the bottom line for all politicians from Bolivia to Iraq, from Gaza to the UsofA… Give the people what they need/want and they will vote for you… repress people and they will fight back.
People is, after all, people.
“Why can’t we all just get along?” Rodney King during the riots in LA.
I don’t know, Rodney, but if and when I find out I’ll sure as heck let you know!
I’ll share it with you to Anika. For now I’ll just point my finger at organized religion and politicians groping for power.
And the US blind support for the oppressors.
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