Ok, so this is a little late, but I figured y'all would like to hear about my Valentines day.
It was really fun - I dressed all in pink, make-up and everything, and put my hair in a semi-ponytail. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture, though I meant to. sigh.
In TOK (Theory of Knowledge - a cool class about critical thinking and perception, etc) I convinced the teacher to let us discuss love ("what is love?" as my co-year puts it) and marriage instead of Reason, as was scheduled (reason, can you imagine? On Valentines day? Eru's song.)
I baked cookies with sweethearts in them for all my friends and spent the evening distributing them, which was great fun. I gave roses to my closest friends as well and little notes saying, "Roses are pink (they were), Violets are blue, Cookies are sweet and so are you!"
And I got some sweet Valentines in return: One of the classic American mini-cards from Nik, my co-year saying "hope this helps you reminisce about the good ol' days of 2nd grade!" (us Americans are cool - I made cookies etc. And he gave a bundle of roses to his girlfriend, who was mighty pleased) A little blue heart from Renato (he's from Guatemala) and a pop-out blue heart-card from Nidhi (India)
And the Latinos gave every girl in the school a (uniquely composed for her) love poem (and there are a lot of them). So cool, so Latino... Mine was:
Little Princess from the sky,
Your magic smile
Brings every day happiness
To every place in my soul.
You should know, my little princess,
That you are not just pretty,
Because when I see you and listen to you,
I could die for you.
Isn't that sweet??? I love Latinos.
And Rene (one of the Latinos who wrote the poems, I think - they never would tell) gave me a red rose. ;)
So, all around, a good day.
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