on March 10th we had a Model United Nations conference. It was really fun, I was Haiti. The latinos made fun of me for being the poorest country in the western hemisphere (which actually isn't that funny) and hating the Dominican Republic (represented by my friend Bulat from Russia, so we had a lot of fun insulting each other's countries). I made a joint resolution with Trinidad and Tobago (represented by Camilla from Italy) on the nuclear crisis in Iran and it got passed! (over the US's haha.) Yay.
My poor friends though: Ying Xin (Hong Kong) and Vanessa (Singapore) and Martin (Slovakia) were saddled with being America. Martin did it impressively - he talked about freedom and evil and spreading democracy in all his opening speeches, it was hilarious.
here they are:

I wish we had been able to represent our own countries though, it would have been really interesting to do a true cultural MUN - when else are we going to get this opportunity? oh well, maybe next year.
And then there are the random happy moments of the college that I happen to have photos of:
The day Marta (polish rooma) and I climbed down to Fore Beach and lay there basking in the beautiful sunlight and view and laughing at how wonderful the world was:

And the night (1:30 am ish) Nidhi, Vanessa and I painted henna on each other's hands to match:

Speaking of Nidhi, I officially got tickets to India this summer! I'm going with her and we're going to tour the country, do presentations in schools in her area, and hopefully do some volunteer work while we're there. And so I'll come home on August 1st - I can't wait! Or maybe I can, because it seems like the end of the year is coming mighty quickly and I'm not ready for my first year to be over or (worse) my second years to leave.
Then there was Purim, and the Jewish taster session. It's like Jewish Halloween, so we all came dressed up and had cookies and hot wine and cake and the Israelis performed the story of Esther and how she saved the Jews from yet another extermination:

And the cultural visit to Mantua (where Romeo went, remember?), which was great. Henry gave us the full tour, including the details of the Marquis' scandalous pleasure palace, in which the dining room is covered by huge frescos of an, umm, feast/orgy at Cupid and Psyche's wedding.

(I love this picture of Henry, I think it captures his essence perfectly.)
And in our free time we went to a fair that was happening right outside the gates of the palace and had cotton candy and went on bumper cars and stuff. It was great.
I participated in a science cafe which was themed on the relationship between poetry, music, and science. So I played a cool flamencoish song with Rene (bolivia) and read Recuerdo (by Edna St Vincent Millay). We had so much fun.

Ok, that about sums up the special events of my life recently. Now I have to do a presentation for Environmental Systems on US Immigration (with a Chinese and a Latino - how perfect is that? I love UWC)
Hej, bu- The photo of Henry is fantastic. You have to make sure you get him a copy of it. If he ever needs a new job, it's perfect! (Or if he just needs a reminder of how wonderful he is!)
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