I'm truly sorry it's been so long since my last post. There hasn't been
that much happening, except for the slow march of the year towards the finish line. And here we are at the last days and I can't believe it. All our amazing second years are leaving us and we're taking charge, hearing from our primi (I have a prima named Lucy from Colorado who's in Thailand right now on an exchange trip - wow! and a primo from Virginia and another prima from Oregon). All the girls are complaining that there are no guys coming (which is sadly true - the vast majority of primi are girls. *sniff*) and all the guys are, obviously, extatic.
Hmm, what else has been happening?
I went for a hike in the Alps with a group of first years, we're going to have a hiking club next year.

And we had a concert for the music activity, I played rock music with the latinos - Renato, Rene, Alvaro and (not latina) Anja, which was super fun and everyone loved it. And then I played a Mozart sonata with Alvaro which we played pretty well, but it got boring for the audience because we didn't think and took all the (many) repeats. Oh well, we had fun, and people said they liked it.

And a lot of packing/studying for exams, but I won't talk about that. Ick.
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