Monday, September 19, 2005


It's been a weekish of classes (though not a full cycle-it's crazy, we have 8 day weeks) and I think I can definitively say things about my classes.
World Cultures: My favorite. We spend the entire class time looking at slides of African sculptures and discussing where and when they could have come from and why they were made and what kind of culture was behind them... It's fabulous. The teacher is so passionate about it, and he engages us all to be really involved too.
Italian: second favorite. I don't know why, because it's really hard, but I love it. The teacher speaks solely in Italian, and makes us speak Italian too. It's hard to understand and we do a lot of work, but I feel so stimulated and smart when I get something right. I'm learning tons and tons.
Music: Third favorite. Once again, it's hard to understand the teacher, because his English is not so good, but it's really fun and I'm learning a lot. There's a huge range in our class - from people who know everything (virtually) to people still not sure which note Re relates to and unintroduced to a minor third.
Environmental Systems: Hmm, a hard call between 3rd and 4th. It's science, so I have a natural aversion to it, but it's useful science, and the teacher's great. She's really funny and a master at self-deprecating humor and teasing. A woman after my own heart. And the people in the class are cool too.
Math: Boring. We're learning about the magic of exponents. yay. I've been spending my time writing little stories in my everything book. So that part's fun. What's weird is that he went around the class, asking if we had graphing calculators and only I and Tara (from Sri Lanka) had one. It's so strange; everyone has a calculator at home, and here, half the people haven't even seen them.
Health Watch: Absolutely useless. But we have fun anyway, talking about nothing. It's basically a slacker-block. But Bilkan's in the class... ;)
English: Sigh. Boring. Disappointing. Annoying. Daze-inducing. We're working on The Outsider, and I seem to leave every class with the mentality (or lack thereof) of Meursault: a nothing-matters-what's-happening-I-don't-care kind of mood.
So those are my classes. On the whole they're pretty nice, I'm quite happy. Besides World Cultures, my favorite block is my free block, which I have every day (yay!) because I'm a native speaker.
I'd post pictures of my friends and the views from my window, etc. But I'm on the wrong computer. Later, then.