Toni, from Finland. The one who taught me my favorite word so far: blue in finnish "sininen". He's the only one here who can outdo me in constant sarcasm. He's fun to talk to, though all our conversations tend to end up with America Bashing. Funny, that...

Vanessa (singapore) and Eitan (Israel) They're also posing for another camera. Nessie (as I call her to her giggling annoyance) lives right next to me, if we knew morse code, we could communicate, but it's just too much work right now.
Eitan provides endless entertainment for us northerners when it gets cold - he puts on two shirts, a sweatshirt and a down parka when the thermomiter dips below 55. I still grin at the memory of the first time I saw him like that. I'll get a picture as soon as he does it again.

Tara (Sri Lanka). She's standing in front of the Bridge of Sighs - where the prisoners take their last look at the sea before their excecution. She's got the prettiest hair here, thick and rich and black. I'm just itching to get my hands on it sometime. She's also really sweet and calm, a good contrast to some of the more energetic friends.

My co-years. Nik, Elad, and Leah. Elad's nicknamed "The Lion King" and because Nik's always with him, and is smaller and has less hair, he's called Simba. I knew I'd be friends with Leah even before I met her, so when she got here on the 3rd day, I overheard her saying something about America to someone and jumped on her - "you're here!! I'm Anika!" and we've been friends ever since.

Michael (Canada) and half of Eitan. Michael is holding the only sugary thing I've ever seen him eat (but he sure went all out this time!!) He's crazy-buff and a little obsessed with health/muscle mass, but he says it's perfectly normal where he comes from. I never knew the Maritimers were so crazy...
He's a fellow fantasy lover, and we have fun on the nights when the moon is partly obscured by clouds by telling each other stories about what could be in that band of moonlight: a pirate ship? a sorceress? a procession of elves making their way to the otherworld?

And finally Bilkan (my International Show date;) ) who returned last week from Moscow where he'd won 4th place in an international physics competition. (I feel so small...)
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