(our two choir directors, Vanessa and Katy, after their first performance)
Although it isn't my official aesthetic activity, choir has been an important part of my life here, and I have a feeling it will become more important as the year progresses. So far we've been overloaded with concerts, which is good - they're really fun and we get good food and have a great time, but it's hard to perform after only having rehearsed 3 or 4 times, especially for the first years.
Choir this year is so much better than last year - already I feel like we're better quality and have better songs, even though we've only added 2 or 3 to our repertoire so far. Vanessa is going a great job as choir director, I'm so proud of her...
Last weekend we had three concerts, and all of them were great, especially the one on Saturday. It was a gathering of train workers from Slovenia and Italy and we sang for them all the songs we knew. It was crazy - the first years learned half the songs on the way there in the van, and I was the only soprano who actually knew what she was doing, yet it sounded great. And afterwards they gave us really yummy finger-food (the best part of choir). My favorite part, though, was the people who came on after us, a small band that played dance music (waltzes and stuff). We were so happy and proud of ourselves that we all got up and danced, and Honza (the Czech primo) grabbed me and started teaching me cha-cha and blues and polka. It was SO MUCH FUN! Jumping and spinning around the room, and everyone else dancing too (but not like us, haha :) )...and Honza's now starting ballroom dance classes for which I'm incredibly excited. He's already taught us a couple steps in dance activity and I think it's going to be great, he's a wonderful teacher, making it fun and funny and easy.
Singing and dancing, could life get any better?
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