First: my roome. I'm now in a small all-girls residence called scholtz, rooming with a second year (Corina from Greece) and two first years, Ximena from Uruguay and Lamira from Western Sahara.
It's strange, because I seem to be repeating the room I had last year with completely different people: my new roommates correspond exactly to my old ones. Lamira = Nevin, she's Muslim, so she wears a scarf and prays (I was so sad to be leaving that with Nevin, I missed it so much over the summer, and now I have it again!) and she seems shy and quiet at first, but that's only because her English isn't too good. Actually, she's talkative and sing-ative and funny and energetic (exactly like Nevin, but I don't think she's quite as crazy. Or at least I hope not :$ ). We've been known to walk up the street at midnight singing My Heart Will Go On at the top of our lungs and waltzing, and this is just within the first month, I have a premonition it will only get stranger.

Ximena = Marta. Firstly, they have the same birthday (in a week, I need to plan something!) and they also do random creative things, like decorating paper and drawing and stuff when they should probably be doing homework. :) Ximena also really likes videography (though I don't think Marta does), she made a video of her and all her friends before she left, and she showed it to me and Lamira and her latina friends. She hangs out a lot with the Latinos, and so my Spanish seems to be getting better just because of hearing it so often in my room.
And Corina = Giulia, the seconda who's never in the room, but when she is, is really nice. Like Giulia, she spends all her time in Trieste, and like Giulia, we wake up in the morning to find that she never did come home - her bed's still untouched. But she's so much fun to talk to, Corina and Ximena and Sylvia (our neighbor from Italy) and Boriana (also neighbor, Bulgaria) and I have stayed up till 2 am countless times talking about life, the universe, and everything, and it's great fun.
Next, my Primi:
I've already mentioned Gavino, my primo. He's crazy and cool, but I haven't spent as much time with him as with my Prime.
Prime: Sarah, from Virginia and Lucy, from Colorado. The three of us and Keleigh from Canada and Julie from the UK get along really well together, more than I've been able to connect with other native speakers in the past. Sarah and Keleigh are huge Gilmore Girls fans, so I've seen a couple episodes with them - they're not that bad... and it's fun to talk to them about American issues as Americans.
I'm sorry I don't have any pictures of them yet, I'll add them later.
I love the photo - both of them are so beautiful! Shining, joyful faces all.
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